It's no secret that what you eat plays a key role in losing weight.

But what's in your spice cabinet is just as important.

There is evidence that many herbs and spices reduce appetite, promote fat burning and weight loss.

This is a list of 13 amazing herbs that can really help you lose weight.

1. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is an annual plant of the legume family. Fenugreek is a natural source of folic acid, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc, enzymes, antioxidants. It is also rich in vitamins A, B, C. The chemical composition is not diverse, but in addition to vitamins and trace elements, shamballa contains flavonoids and fatty essential oils, which are rarely found in plants.

Fenugreek contains large quantities of galactomannan, a dietary fiber. It suppresses appetite, which is important in the fight against excess weight. Also galactomannan reduces the glycemic index of consumed food. This property is very important for diabetes.

The study found that regular intake of 8 grams of fenugreek fiber increased satiety and lessened feelings of hunger and reduced food intake compared to the other group.

In another study, consumption of fenugreek seed extract was found to reduce daily fat intake by 17% compared to another group. As a result, the number of calories consumed during the day was reduced.

Conclusion: Fenugreek is a spice that suppresses appetite and reduces the amount of food consumed, which is important in the fight against excess weight.

2. Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is a type of chili pepper that is often used in cooking.

The useful properties of cayenne pepper lie in its ability to stimulate blood circulation, which contributes to a better metabolism. It is believed that, thanks to its vitamins, phytoelements and minerals, it effectively purifies the blood, which allows faster penetration of hormonal signals and a response of the immune system.

It is safe to say that cayenne pepper strengthens the cardiovascular system by speeding up blood circulation, contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis and the restoration of red blood cells. Strangely enough this pepper has a positive effect on digestion and can even cure stomach ulcers, has styptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal properties. It has been observed to be effective in treating diseases such as hemorrhoids.

And thanks to capsaicin, which is part of the cayenne pepper, there is a thinning of the blood, improving its circulation in the pelvis, which, consequently, has a positive effect on potency.

In addition, studies have shown that capsaicin can increase metabolic levels by increasing the number of calories burned by the body.

Capsaicin helps reduce feelings of hunger, helping with weight loss.

One study concluded that consuming capsaicin capsules increases satiety levels and decreases overall calorie intake.

Another study involving 30 people found that eating foods containing capsaicin reduced levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stimulating hunger.

Summary: Cayenne pepper is a type of chili pepper, and thanks to capsaicin, it speeds up the metabolism, reduces hunger and calorie intake.

3. Ginger

Ginger is one of the most famous medicinal plants, which is also used in medicine to treat various diseases. Ginger root used in food is the raw or processed rhizomes of the perennial plant Zingiber officinale, which is native to South Asia.

The medicinal properties of ginger have been known since time immemorial: two and a half thousand years ago, in ancient China, tea with ginger was used to treat colds as a warming agent. Another famous property of ginger was its ability to cure nausea: the American Indians used to make decoctions of ginger root to cure nausea. The medicinal properties of ginger were well known in ancient Japan, India, and other Southeast Asian countries. And after ginger was first brought to Europe in the Middle Ages, the plant's root quickly became known as a "miracle cure" for preventing the plague, the worst scourge of European civilization in the Middle Ages.

The useful properties of ginger are explained quite simply: the root of ginger contains a lot of useful vitamins, minerals and amino acids, including vitamins C, B1, B2, essential amino acids necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems, essential oil, minerals (sodium, potassium, zinc).

Another useful property of ginger is its ability to normalize the digestive system. It has long been known that ginger improves appetite and the digestive system in general, and is also useful for disorders of fat or cholesterol metabolism. That is why another common use of ginger is to fight excess weight. Ginger speeds up the metabolism, thereby stimulating the process of burning calories, which is necessary to maintain a normal weight. In addition, ginger normalizes the intestinal function, facilitating the breakdown and digestion of food, and regulates peristalsis, the process of contraction of the intestinal muscles by which food moves down the esophagus.

Analysis of 14 scientific studies, concluded that the use of ginger markedly reduces body weight and belly fat.

Another analysis of 27 studies, also concluded that ginger helps to lose extra pounds by speeding up the metabolism, thereby stimulating the process of burning calories, which is necessary for weight loss.

Conclusion: Ginger is one of the most well-known medicinal plants that can help in reducing excess weight. Studies show that it speeds up the metabolism, thereby stimulating the process of burning calories, a necessary weight loss.

4. Oregano

Oregano is an herbaceous annual plant, widespread in the Mediterranean countries and Europe. The plant contains many useful substances. It contains vitamins B, K, C, P, A, E. The plant also contains folic and rosmarinic acids, minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium. Additional components of oregano are beta-carotene, carvacrol, tannins, essential oils.

Oregano contains carvacrol - called a natural antibiotic, so the plant can be used in the fight against respiratory diseases. It can be used as a phlegm thinner and expectorant for respiratory diseases. The tannins are focused on healing wounds, burns. In addition, carvacrol is an effective component that can have an effect on weight loss!

One study on mice on a high-fat diet found that those who consumed carvacrol gained much less fat and body weight than those who did not.

There was also evidence that carvacrol supplementation directly affects some specific genes and proteins that affect fat synthesis in the body.

Despite this, there is still little research on the effects of oregano and carvacrol on weight loss. What is most lacking is research on humans.

Conclusion: Oregano is a herb that includes carvacrol. Animal studies have provided evidence that carvacrol may have an effect on weight loss and fat gain by altering its synthesis in the body. However, there are no human studies related to oregano and weight loss.

5. Ginseng

Ginseng has been used for thousands of years by the Chinese to restore lost masculine strength.

Ginseng is a well-known tonic, restorative and stimulant. The preparations of this plant stimulate sexual functions, actively influence the central nervous system, increase efficiency, reduce physical and mental fatigue.

Studies have obtained evidence that this ginseng can help with weight loss.

One study concluded that taking Korean ginseng twice a day for eight weeks had an effect on weight loss, and in addition to a change in the composition of the gut microbiota.

Similarly, an animal study led to the conclusion that ginseng combats obesity by changing fat formation and inhibiting its absorption in the gut.

But to get more data on the effects of ginseng on weight loss in people, more large-scale studies need to be done.

CONCLUSION: Ginseng, long known in Oriental medicine, can affect weight loss, reduce fat absorption and reduce fat formation.

6. Caralluma fimbriata

Caralluma fimbriata has been used in Indian cultures for thousands of years. In traditional medicine, it is widely used to combat obesity and as a natural appetite suppressant. In addition, extracts of the plant are used to prepare weight loss supplements.

It is rich with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents, including polyphenols, flavonoids and megastigma glycosides. It also contains components that suppress appetite and can work as fat burners by blocking fat production in the body.

A study published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine suggests that Fimbriat Carallum supplementation may play a role in curbing obesity by helping to control food intake. Participants received two 500-milligram capsules twice daily for 12 weeks, and their dietary intake and exercise were monitored weekly. After the intervention period, participants in the experimental group lost 6.5 cm in waist circumference compared to 2.6 cm with the placebo group.

Caralluma fimbriata is used in traditional medicine to combat obesity because it naturally suppresses appetite. The succulent is thought to block the action of certain enzymes that play a role in fat formation. Instead, it causes the body to burn fat stores, which can lead to weight loss.

Conclusion: Caralluma Fimbriata is a plant widely used to combat obesity and as a natural appetite suppressant.

7. Turmeric

Turmeric is actively used not only in cooking, but also in Ayurveda, and in recent years it has been increasingly used as a supplement in traditional evidence-based medicine. This is due to its rich nutritional composition: it includes B vitamins, ascorbic acid, phylloquinone, calcium, iron, phosphorus, valium, iodine, and essential oils.

The benefit of turmeric is to reduce chronic inflammation that can cause metabolic disorders, obesity and other dangerous diseases, such as those related to the cardiovascular system. The spice also has a beneficial effect on arthritis patients by reducing joint swelling. Regular consumption of turmeric reduces the risk of liver disease, also reducing the symptoms of diseases already acquired, such as hepatitis. In addition, it can slow down or reduce the symptoms of periodontitis, premenstrual syndrome, diabetes, diarrhea, upset stomach, and psoriasis.

A study conducted with 44 overweight people gave the following results: consumption of curcumin twice a day for one month had a positive effect on increasing fat reduction, reduction of fat around the abdomen and weight loss by 5%.

Similarly, an animal study proved that curcumin consumption in mice for 3 months reduced body weight and body fat levels by preventing fat synthesis.

But it must be remembered that such studies used a concentrated amount of curcumin, much higher than in a standard serving of turmeric.

This topic should be further explored to understand how curcumin in normal doses can affect weight loss.

CONCLUSION: Curcuma is a spice that contains curcumin, which helps with weight loss and fat loss.

8. Black pepper

Black pepper is a very popular spice derived from the dried fruit of Piper nigrum, a flowering liana native to India.

Pepper is an antimicrobial, it is useful for the prevention of worms. It speeds up the absorption of useful substances from food and medicines.

Black pepper is an excellent respiratory cleanser, it reduces mucus formation and removes it. Pepper together with honey is taken as an expectorant. Pepper antioxidants have been found to help prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease and liver disease.

Another advantage of black pepper is that the substances it contains destroy fat cells. In addition, this kind of weight loss is affordable and cheap. Black pepper is very useful for the cardiovascular system. Folk medicine has long used pepper to reduce the risk of heart disease. The fact is that pepper promotes blood thinning, it cleanses blood vessels, including the blood vessels of the brain. Thus, there is less strain on the heart, and therefore the risk of heart attack or stroke is reduced.

Taking black pepper leads to a decrease in high-lipid diet-induced increase in body weight and normalizes biochemical changes through modulation of lipid metabolism, prevents the development of fatty hepatosis.

CONCLUSION: Black pepper contains piperine, which aids in weight loss and blocks fat cell formation. No human studies are available.

9. Hymnema sylvestre

Jimnemic acid - reduces the flow of glucose from the intestines into the blood, gurmarin - affects the receptors on the tongue and reduces the taste of sweetness.

Widely used in disorders of carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes. Glycosides (gymnemosides, gimnemic acid), gurmarin and other active substances have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, reduce blood sugar, increase insulin secretion by beta-cells of the pancreas, slow the absorption of glucose and fatty acids in the intestine. Djimnema extracts are well proven in type I and type II diabetes as hypoglycemic agents and to reduce the risk of vascular complications.

But several studies have concluded that it may also be of interest to those who want to lose weight.

One study found that consuming Gymnema sylvestre reduced appetite and food intake compared to a control group.

A three-week animal study proved that including this herb in the diet helped maintain the body weight of rats on a high-fat diet.

CONCLUSION: Gymnema sylvestre is an herb widely used for carbohydrate metabolism disorders and diabetes mellitus. Studies in humans and animals have concluded that it can promote weight loss by reducing appetite and food intake.

10. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is not only a fragrant spice, but also a very effective medicine. This property was already known to the ancient Chinese healers.

Cinnamon is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. It contains B vitamins, vitamin C, A, PP. It also contains tannins, essential oils and fiber. In medicine, cinnamon is used as an antiseptic, antimicrobial and antiparasitic, as well as in the fight against fungal diseases, and to improve the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to the content of dietary fiber, cinnamon reduces the likelihood of colon cancer. This fragrant spice helps to clean the choleretic system and the liver, removes excess bile acid salts from the body. As the spice also helps to eliminate unnecessary fluid from the body, so effectively its use will be and kidney disease. In case of bladder infections, it is also recommended to take cinnamon drinks.

Recent medical research has proven the effectiveness of cinnamon in the treatment of diabetes. The polyphenol in this spice helps the body absorb insulin more easily. Even half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day noticeably lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and prevents the development of many inflammatory diseases. Some doctors believe that cinnamon can also help fight cancer, such as bone cancer.

Although these properties potentially reduce appetite and lead to weight loss, more research is needed to better understand the effect of cinnamon specifically on weight.

CONCLUSION: Cinnamon is a spice that markedly lowers blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels, which can lead to a decrease in appetite and feelings of hunger.

11. green coffee bean extract

Green coffee bean extract can regularly be found in weight loss supplements.

For its elite varieties, only ripe berries from the coffee tree are used. In order to obtain a beverage with medicinal properties unripe fruits, so-called green coffee, are used. It is processed in a natural way, thanks to which it retains its beneficial properties. Specialists have found out that green coffee has a positive effect on the body and supports the normal functioning of the organs.

Experts have found that green coffee beans can suppress appetite. With constant physical activity, they reduce fat deposits and improve metabolism. Coffee grounds are also used in cosmetology, they are used to make a mixture for wraps and scrubs. An extract is obtained from green beans, which is a concentrate of all biologically active substances. Coffee is rich in chlorogenic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant. It protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals. The beans contain tannins and purine alkaloids. Japanese scientists found that daily intake of green grain extract or drink in combination with exercise, diet will improve the appearance and help get rid of fat deposits.

The unique composition of green grains will be a great helper in the fight for a toned and beautiful body.

CONCLUSION: Green Coffee Bean Extract is made from unripe coffee beans. Some studies have concluded that it can have a positive effect on weight loss and belly fat reduction.

12. Caraway

Caraway seeds were found in the Egyptian pyramids, but its homeland is still unknown. This ancient spice, with its spicy aroma and tangy, slightly bitter flavor, is valued in the culinary traditions of all cultures.

Caraway seeds are unusually useful due to their high content of vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect and restores damaged cell structure. In addition, this exquisite spice eliminates headaches, helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves stomach cramps and flatulence.

A three-month study concluded that women whose diets included yogurt with 3 grams of cumin twice a day reduced more weight and fat levels than the control group.

A similar study over eight weeks proved that people who consumed a cumin supplement three times a day lost 2.2 pounds (1 kg) more weight than those who took a placebo.

CONCLUSION: Caraway is an extremely popular spice that is effective in reducing body weight and fat levels in the body.

13. Cardamom

Cardamom is one of the most expensive and versatile spices. It is used to flavor sausages, cheeses and tobacco. The spice is most often added to confectionery products, with which the smell of cardamom is in harmony - very strong and at the same time spicy, sharp, pungent, slightly camphoric with a slight lemon hint.

Cardamom is used in the cooking of many countries, but it can help the body in losing weight.

Cardamom is especially rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese. Cardamom is primarily an antioxidant. It breaks down and removes cholesterol, and is good for the immune system. It is a good remedy for colds and stress.

One animal study concluded that black cardamom was effective in reducing both belly fat and body fat in general in rats on a high-fat diet.

However, more studies on the positive effects of cardamom on weight loss have only been conducted on animals.

The effect of cardamom on weight loss in people still needs to be studied.

CONCLUSION: Cardamom is one of the most expensive and versatile spices that reduces belly and body fat. But there are no human studies.

Safety precautions when using herbs

The listed spices and herbs used as a food condiment can promote active growth of health benefits with the least risk of side effects.

It is important to know the measure. You should not consume more than one tablespoon (about 14 grams) per day and should certainly be combined with whole foods rich in useful elements, and further increase weight loss.

When you use herbs in the form of supplements, you need to follow the recommended dosage that is listed on the package to avoid side effects.

If you have various chronic diseases or are taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor before you start taking any supplement.

If you experience any unpleasant side effects or symptoms of allergies, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctor.

CONCLUSION: When we use most herbs or spices as a condiment, it is difficult to experience any side effects. However, when using herbs or spices as supplements, it is best to follow the recommended dosages to avoid adverse reactions.


In addition to the fact that most herbs and spices give a pleasant taste and flavor to your favorite dishes, scientific studies have shown that they accelerate the metabolism, contribute to effective fat burning and reduce hunger.

The wide variety of spices used is an uncomplicated way to speed up weight loss with the least amount of effort.

It is necessary to combine these herbs with a healthy lifestyle and a full, balanced diet to get the best effect in weight loss.

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