How to lose weight properly? Diet, tips and a weight loss program

Updated on March 12, 2023

Slim trim body - the dream of many. It would seem that what is difficult? Enough to eat right and add moderate exercise. But in words it all seems easy, but in fact much more complicated. According to statistics, about 80% of women are dissatisfied with their weight. Men are much less, and most often they think about weight loss with the emergence of a number of related diseases. But one way or another, the question "how to lose weight" worries almost everyone.

Why do we need to lose weight?

Often you can hear from a full person that he is quite happy with their own appearance. But the fact is that excess weight is not only about aesthetics. It is, above all, health. Overeating and the accumulation of unnecessary pounds leads to a number of problems:

  1. obesity;
  2. atherosclerosis of the blood vessels;
  3. heart attack;
  4. angina pectoris;
  5. arthritis;
  6. diabetes;
  7. hypertension.

As one doctor used to say, "Have you ever noticed how few fat old people there are? Unfortunately, that's true. Being overweight puts an increased strain on the heart, the liver suffers as well - cells change into fat, which means their work stops. On the other hand, abrupt starvation is also harmful, including "magic" teas and pills. First of all, all these pills and drinks for weight loss are detrimental to the liver, because such remedies are very toxic.

Dramatic weight loss also disrupts the function of the gall bladder, increases cholesterol levels and reduces the amount of bile acid salts. And this is a direct way to the formation of gallstones in the gallbladder. A poor diet and lack of exercise can and contributes to weight loss, but it will decrease first of all the amount of muscle, not fat.

But there is good news. It is possible to lose weight without grueling starvation and harm to health. The main condition is to follow some rules.

What is the right diet?

People explain this term in different ways. First of all, it is important to know that a proper diet is not a diet, but a competent combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And it is not a temporary measure that helps you quickly lose extra pounds. Eating right is your way of life. Here are a few rules to help you lose weight without harming your health.

  1. Eat a balanced diet. Your daily diet should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Protein is primarily meat, cottage cheese, and eggs. Fats are ocean fish, vegetable oil, and nuts. Carbohydrates are grain bread, fruits and vegetables. As you can see, there are no unhealthy foods here, but at the same time you can achieve an optimal balance of FU and not feel hungry.
  2. Keep track of calories. The first time it is recommended to keep a calorie count, so that there is some deficit of energy received compared to the energy spent. The optimal deficit is 15-20%.
  3. Keep moving. Proper nutrition is 80% of success. But physical activity provides 20% of the results. It is not necessary to spend time in the gym, if it does not interest you. Find a sport that appeals to you: jogging, swimming, dancing, cycling, Nordic walking, after all.
  4. Don't eat at night. Your last meal should be two and a half to three hours before bed. But forget the attitude that you can't eat after 6 p.m. If you go to bed at 11 a.m., it is quite possible to have dinner even at 8 p.m. without consequences. The main thing is that dinner should not be too heavy. This can be animal protein (chicken meat, lean fish) in combination with raw or stewed vegetables.
  5. Get enough sleep. Surprisingly, it's a fact: lack of sleep directly affects our weight by slowing down our metabolism. It is proved that people who suffer from insomnia lose weight much longer than those who sleep seven hours.
  6. Drink plenty of pure water. It speeds up the metabolism, removes toxins, and helps cheat hunger.

How does losing weight change our lives?

A slim body is an indicator of beauty and health. And not only that. First of all, a beautiful figure - is self-confidence, harmony of body and soul, a sense of personal attractiveness, sparkle in the eyes.

Losing extra pounds, you will be easier in the literal and figurative sense. You will catch the admiring glances of the opposite sex, personal relationships will be improved, and the other half will appreciate you even more. At work, you are also waiting for a pleasant change. As practice shows, with visually attractive people are more willing to make contact, the deals are faster and even accelerated career growth. This phenomenon can be explained easily. After all, it is not for nothing that the proverb "You meet a man by his clothes" was coined. Whether you like it or not, but it's true.

Myths about weight loss

Why, beginning to lose weight, only a few reach the desired result? In most cases, numerous myths are to blame, which prevent you from achieving what you want. We will list the most popular:

  1. To lose weight, you need to eat less. This is far from the truth. A caloric deficit is necessary, but it should not be too pronounced. Hunger, on the contrary, inhibits the metabolism, negatively affects the condition of the skin, hair, health.
  2. You should not eat carbohydrates and fats. It depends on what kind. Cakes, ice cream, fried bacon - this set of carbs and fats is really harmful. But oven-baked red fish, vegetable salad and fruit are healthy and necessary fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Salt is bad for the body. Salt is necessary for the body, but in reasonable limits. You do not need to completely give it up.
  4. You should not eat after 18. Only if you go to bed at 8 pm. The main thing is to have dinner 4 hours before going to bed.
  5. It is necessary to exercise 5 times a week. On the contrary, excessive physical activity leads to increased fatigue, joints suffer from this, and in general there can be a burnout and loss of interest in a healthy lifestyle. The optimal frequency is 3 times a week.
  6. Only strict diets will help to lose weight. Strict diets, which entail a sharp weight loss, give the opposite result - a breakdown and re-weight gain. In addition, they are detrimental to our health, mood, health.
  7. We need days of discharge. If they are carried out on a regular basis, then nothing but harm they will not bring. First, this is a direct path to a breakdown and even more weight gain. Secondly, fasting is bad for the gallbladder. Thirdly, being under stress, the body will start to put aside everything you eat, and your metabolism will slow down.
  8. You should not eat sweets, fried foods or fatty foods. Such a strict taboo will give the opposite effect - you will only think about a piece of cake or a hamburger. Let yourself once a week: order a pizza, eat a piece of cake or a portion of fast food. Rare pleasures will not harm your figure, but allow you from time to time to please yourself and not break.

Whether you can lose weight or not, almost 100% of the time depends on you. But this process is not easy, especially if you need to lose 10-20-30 pounds or more. As we have already said, it is not difficult to become slim. There is no magic or complicated calculations. Everything is simple - the right diet and exercise. But then why is it so difficult to achieve the desired result?

Excuses for physical activity:

  1. no free time (work, children, husband, cleaning, cooking);
  2. no financial possibilities (a subscription to a fitness center or a gym is expensive);
  3. laziness;
  4. i am heavy (tired at work);
  5. my joints hurt;
  6. i get tired quickly (I often feel dizzy, shortness of breath, high blood pressure);
  7. i weigh too much (they say physical exercises are forbidden with such body weight);
  8. i am ashamed to go to the gym because of my appearance.

Nutrition excuses:

  1. eating right is expensive; sausages are cheaper than meat;
  2. i will have to spend a lot of time cooking;
  3. i will have to cook for myself separately from my family;
  4. i do not like to cook, and with good nutrition a lot of difficulties;
  5. i do not know how to cook healthy food;
  6. proper nutrition is boring and monotonous;
  7. i do not like vegetables, cereals, dairy products;
  8. there is no possibility to follow a regimen;
  9. i do not eat at home, I eat mostly in canteens or cafes;
  10. i constantly lose my temper.

Recognize yourself in at least one of the items? Now let's look at some of them:

Instead of an expensive gym you can always find cheaper options: jogging in the park, study at home in front of the computer, riding a bike.

Count how much time you spend on social media every day. Can't you carve out 30 minutes for a workout at home?

Fatigue after work will be gone by magic in the first 5 minutes after you start working out, because when you do sports you release hormones of joy.

Even with too much weight it is possible to develop an individual training program. You have to start somewhere!

Eating right is totally inexpensive, it's delicious, and it's easy to cook! Baked chicken with vegetables, cottage cheese casserole, fruit salad, oatmeal with strawberries - all these dishes are delicious, cooked quickly, do not require large financial expenses.

As you can see, a counterargument can be found for every excuse. So the first thing to do is to stop looking for excuses.

And yet, eating right is not just about food + fitness. In many cases, weight loss needs to be approached holistically.

First and foremost, from a medical perspective. If you cannot lose those cherished pounds that have already had a detrimental effect on your health, specialists in various fields can help. Psychotherapist will determine the causes of excess weight, help get rid of eating disorders. Also in this bunch works therapist, psychologist, nutritionist, nutrition counselor and other doctors.

Only the coordinated work of all specialists will help the patient achieve the desired result, namely weight loss with long-term results. The Anti-Weight program is a comprehensive approach to weight loss. Specialists at our medical center will provide professional help and support without grueling exercises and starvation. We do not just help to lose excess weight, but maintain the achieved result for a long time.

Do you want to like yourself in the mirror, catch admiring glances from the opposite sex, improve your self-esteem and thus achieve success in your personal life and career? Make good nutrition your way of life!

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